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Discussion on the legal concept of “vulnerability” of sexually abused children

Part of the scientific conference Giornata di studio del Nord Adriatico - temi giuridici di attualità / North Adriatic Scientific Colloquium - Current Legal Topics held at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka on July 4, 2019., was the session titled "Protecting Child Victims of Sexual Crimes and Their Vulnerability". The presentations have demonstrated how much attention is needed to implement the constitutional concepts, thus also the one of the vulnerability of the victims of criminal acts, into the particular legal norms in away to avoid interference with the coherence of the overall criminal law system. This session is organized as a part of the UNIRI project no. 18-86 "Sexual Child Abuse in the Republic of Croatia – Phenomenological and Etiological Perspectives". Participants to the session were: the head of the project Dalida Rittosa from PRAVRI and from Italy: Francesco Trapella and Alessia Muscella.

The full programme with abstracts is available here.
