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List of courses in foreign languages

European Family Law

Year of study ECTS Language 1 Language2
V 6 English  

Course coordinators

 Prof. dr. Nenad Hlača Assist. prof. Sandra Winkler

Course objectives:

Family law has an increasing importance in the contemporary EU Law. This course tackles fundamental issues related to family relationships. The main goal of the course is to stimulate a multidisciplinary approach to the analysed topics. This course will give to the students the possibility to compare single national legislations, the jurisprudence of the European Courts (Court of Justice of the European Union and European Court of Human Rights) and the EU law, in order to recognize the newest trends in the process of the Europeanization of Family law. Students will also acquire skills in independent study as well as in the use of available electronic data basis on the topic.

Course description:

1. Introduction. The process of Europeanization of Family law. Analysis of the pro et contra positions regarding the harmonisation and the eventual unification of the family law in EU. 2. Analysis of EU legal sources (hard law and soft law). European Union: Treaties and Charter on fundamental rights. Relevant Regulations and Directives. Principles of European family Law. Brief analysis of some International legal sources (Counsel of Europe: European Convention on human rights and fundamental freedoms) in order to compare with the EU primary law. 3. Family law institutes in the light of the European law. a) The concept and meaning of “family” in Europe and the notion of “family life”. b) Civil status of the EU citizens. c) Family Reunification and free movement. d) Marriage. d) Extramarital union. d) Relationship between parents and children. e) Children’s rights. f) Adoption. g) Guardianship. h) Property Regimes in the family. 4. Case law.