Members of the Department teach courses in the University Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Study Program in Law, the University Specialist Study Program in Corporate Finance Law, and the Doctoral Study Program in the Field of Social Sciences, the Subject of Law.
Additionally, department members engage in research activities by participating in international scientific projects, organizing and presenting at both international and national scientific and professional conferences. Beyond organizing and preparing the teaching activities for the courses offered by the Department, they actively contribute to the development of science through their publications, including scientific and professional papers.
It is also important to note that department members are actively involved in various associations and organizations at the local (regional) level. They continuously enhance their competencies by participating in lifelong learning programs and contribute to shaping the legal culture of future legal professionals while promoting science by emphasizing the characteristics of the Roman system within Croatian and European legal traditions.
Department members
- Assist. Prof. Dr. Ines Matić Matešković
- Office: 20A
- Phone: +385 51 359 544
- Email:
- Luka Nalis, Mag. Iur.
- Office: 10
- Phone: +385 51 359 531
- Email:
About the Department
The Department of Roman Law integrates the content and methodological foundations necessary for understanding fundamental legal concepts within the framework of the University Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Study Program in Law (course: Roman Private Law), shaping the legal culture of future legal professionals.
At the postgraduate level, it evaluates Roman law and the paradigms of its reception through historically comparative content in various study programs of the Faculty. This evaluation extends to recent codifications and corresponds to the knowledge of students in the Doctoral Study Program in the Field of Social Sciences, the Subject of Law (course: Roman Foundations of European Private Law), highlighting the significance of the Roman system in Croatian and European legal traditions.
The scientific and educational components of the Department’s work draw inspiration from the esteemed contributions of previous external lecturers and former course leader in Roman Law, Academician Lujo Margetić, Professor Emeritus. This legacy is continuously respected in the didactic dimension (university textbooks: Mile Boras, Lujo Margetić, Roman Law, Faculty of Law, Rijeka, 1998/3; Anamari Petranović, Obligationes iuris romani / Breviarium, Faculty of Law, Rijeka, 2010).
Assist. Prof. Dr. Ines Matić Matešković, earned her doctorate in 2017 defending her dissertation titled “Pactum Antichreticum.” Her areas of interest include Roman law, Croatian medieval law, and civil law.
Courses Offered in English
- University Integrated Undergraduate and Graduate Study Program in Law
- Roman Private Law
- State and Legal History of Rijeka