Teacher’s Mobility

Internationalization is, in the long term, one of the Faculty’s key goals. The Vice-Dean for International Affairs organizes, in collaboration with the University of Rijeka’s Office for International Mobility, an annual information day about Erasmus+ calls for academic and non-academic staff, aimed at encouraging faculty members to participate in mobility programs. Additionally, the Vice-Dean for Research regularly disseminates information to faculty and staff about calls for international research projects and workshops designed to enhance applicants’ skills for these calls.

The Faculty has signed numerous Erasmus+ agreements, which typically cover all levels of study and the exchange of teaching and administrative staff. Currently, 81 Erasmus+ agreements have been concluded with institutions from 24 countries. Additionally, the mobility of our faculty members abroad is also recorded within other programs (such as CEEPUS, SEE | EU Cluster of Excellence, etc.).

Furthermore, internationalization at the level of faculty collaborators is ensured through the obligation of study stays at foreign research institutions within the Doctoral Study Program. Between 2018 and 2023, eight doctoral candidates in research positions at the Faculty spent time at 10 different international institutions: the University of Graz, the Institute for Austrian and International Tax Law in Vienna, the University of Maribor, the University of Ljubljana, the University of Verona, the University of Tor Vergata in Rome, the University of Antwerp, the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich, the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg for Comparative and International Private Law, and the Max Planck Institute in Luxembourg for International, European, and Regulatory Procedural Law. In addition to the doctoral studies, faculty and collaborators continue the good practice of both short and long-term study stays at foreign institutions, such as the Max Planck Institutes in Germany, the European University Institute in Italy, and many others.

Ažurirano 14.02.2025.

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