Scientific research at the Faculty of Law is often conducted within projects financed from various domestic or foreign funding entities. Below are the projects in which the Faculty is a partner, as well as those in which individual researchers from the Faculty are involved as members of research teams. They are divided into ongoing and completed projects.
Scientific research projects co-financed by EU funds in which PRAVRI is a partner
- Digital Communication and Safeguarding the Parties’ Rights: Challenges for European Civil Procedure- DIGI-GUARD (br. 101046660 — DIGI-GUARD — JUST-2021-JCOO)
Scientific research projects co-financed by UNIRI funds allocated to PRAVRI
Projects of experienced scientists from the University of Rijeka (UNIRI)
- Transparency and Fairness in the Digital Environment
- Legal information for citizens in the digital environment
- Humans, animals and (subjective) rights-holdership: transition of the anthropocentric legal paradigm toward the rights of nature
- Tax legal framework of companies in the pursuit of sustainable development: challenges and opportunities
- Ab Urbe Condita – Protection of the right to live in a healthy urban environment
- Proposal for the Eighth Amendment to the Criminal Code – Quo Vadis?
- AI Regulation for Sustainability
Initial support for young researchers at the University of Rijeka (UNIRI)
Scientific research projects co-financed by university funds in which individual employees of PRAVRI participate
Scientific research projects of the University of Camerino (UNICAM)
Projects of experienced scientists from the University of Rijeka (UNIRI)
Scientific research projects co-financed by EU funds in which PRAVRI was a partner
- Supporting and Implementing Plans for Gender Equality in Academia and Research – SPEAR (br. H2020-SWAFS-2018-2020/824544)
- E-training on EU Family Property Regimes — EU-FamPro (br. 101008404 —JUST-AG-2020/JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2020)
- Diversity of Enforcement Titles in Cross-Border Debt Collection in the EU – EU_En4s (br. 831628-JUST-AG-2018/JUST-JCOO-AG-2018)
- Train to enforce – Train2 EN4CE (br. 854038-JUST-AG-2018/JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2018)
- Personalized Solution in European Family and Succession Law – PSEFS (br. 800821-JUST-AG-2017/JUST-JCOO-AG-2017)
- Remedies concerning Enforcement of Foreign Judgements according to Brussels I Recast – BIARE (br. JUST/2014/JCOO/AG/CIVI/7749)
- EU Judiciary Training on Brussels IIa Regulation: From South to East (br. JUST/2014/JTRA/AG/EJTR/6854)
- Business and Human Rights Challenges for Cross-Border Litigation in the European Union (br. JUST/2013/JCIV/AG/4661)
- Understanding, Evaluating, and Improving Good Governance in the Employment Relations of Athletes in Olympic Sports in Europe – EMPLOYS (br. 622796-EPP-1-2020-1-DE-SPO-SCP)
- Modernisation of Master Programmes for Future Judges, Prosecutors, Investigators with Respect to European Standard on Human Rights (br. 598471-EPP-1-2018-1-AT-EPPKA2-CBHE-JP)
- Promoting a Strategic Approach to EU Sport Diplomacy (br. 603168-EPP-1-2018-1-UK-SPO-SCP)
- Jean Monnet Module “EU Social Security Law”
- Promoting and Supporting Good Governance in the European Football Agents Industry / (br. 590562-EPP-1-2017-1-UK-SPO-SCP)
- Jean Monnet Inter-University Centre of Excellence Opatija (br. 2010-3344/001-001)
- Jean Monnet Chair: European Public Law – New Challenges after the Reform Treaty (br. 2008-2657/001-001)
- Global Digital Human Rights Network – GDHRNet (br. OC-2019-1-24188)
Scientific research projects co-financed by EU funds in which individual PRAVRI faculty members participated
- Facilitating Cross-Border Family Life: Towards a Common European Understanding – EUFam II (br. JUST-AG-2017/JUST-JCOO-AG-2017, 800780)
Scientific research projects co-financed by public national funds allocated to PRAVRI
Scientific research projects of the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ)
- Life in the Time of COVID-19 – Social Implications on the Security and Well-Being of Vulnerable Groups in the European Context (br. IP-CORONA-04-2086)
- Young Researchers’ Career Development Project – Training New Doctoral Students (br. DOK-01-2020)
- Perspectives of maintaining the social state: towards the transformation of social security systems for individuals in personalized medicine
- Legal Aspects of Corporate Acquisitions and Knowledge Driven Companies’ Restructuring
- Legal Status and Real Position of People with Mental Difficulties – Interdisciplinary Approach and European Perspectives
Scientific research projects of the Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports (MZOŠ)
- Legal System: Basic Problems
- European and Croatian judicial procedures and Human rights
- Human Rights and Minority Rights in the European Legal Space
- Efficient mechanisms for settling domestic and international consumer disputes
- Social Security and Market Competition – European Demands and Croatian Solutions
- Protection of beneficiary on the Croatian / European financial services market
- Genetics, paternity and maternity new european legal and psychological reality
- European Perspectives of the Criminal Legal Status of Women
- Security of Citizens in the Local Community
- Strategies for Translating the EU acquis
- Social Integration And Collective Identity In Multiethnic Areas Of Croatia
Scientific research projects co-financed by public national funds in which individual PRAVRI faculty members participated
Scientific research projects of the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ)
Scientific research projects of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation
Scientific research projects co-financed by UNIRI funds allocated to PRAVRI
Projects of experienced scientists from the University of Rijeka
- Digital transformation of society: Legal aspects
- Legal Aspects of Companies Restructuring and Transition Towards New Corporate Governance Culture
- Efficient regulation of the digital market fostering innovation in the ICT sector
- Sexual Abuse of Children in the Republic of Croatia: Phenomenological and Etiological Perspectives
- Security and Market Competition – European Demands and Croatian Solutions
- Social Security and Market Competition – European Demands and Croatian Solutions
- Interdisciplinary approach in researching thestatus of persons with mental difficulties through the prism of convention law
Initial support for young researchers at the UNIRI
Znanstveno-istraživački projekti sufinancirani sredstvima sveučilišta u kojima pojedinačno sudjuju zaposlenici PRAVRI
Scientific research projects of the University of Camerino (UNICAM)