Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)

Recognition of prior learning involves the acknowledgment of competencies acquired through formal and non-formal education as well as informal learning. It is based on the principles of equal accessibility and fairness, equal value of acquired and recognized sets of learning outcomes, transparency, and quality assurance.

Prior learning is a form of formal and non-formal education and informal learning that was achieved in the period before submitting the application for the recognition and assessment of prior learning. Formal education is an organized learning activity within approved programs of authorized legal entities, aimed at acquiring qualifications at level 6 and above of the Croatian Qualifications Framework (CQF). Non-formal education is an organized learning activity whose purpose is to acquire and enhance competencies for personal, social, and professional needs. It can be certified if it concludes with the acquisition of a document based on the verification of learning outcome sets, i.e., acquired competencies, or non-certified if it concludes without the verification of learning outcome sets.

Informal learning is an unorganized activity of acquiring competencies from everyday experiences and other influences and sources from the environment for personal, social, and professional needs.

The process of recognizing and assessing prior learning is carried out for the purpose of:

  • enrolling in faculty programs, including transferring from programs of other higher education institutions,
  • assessing learning outcomes within the faculty programs.

Ažurirano 17.01.2025.

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