University Specialist Study in Corporate Finance Law

This Study program is established to provide a thorough knowledge in commercial, company and financial law, as well as in related disciplines that is indispensable for effective financial management and company governance. Such a postgraduate specialist university program is new in the Republic of Croatia although comparable studies exist abroad.

The purpose of the Study program is to develop knowledge and skills necessary to attain financial discipline and greater transparency in the company’s business and to increase the use of legal mechanisms and safeguards that enable the protection of companies’ interests. For companies or attorneys at law dealing in cross-border context, there are also courses that offer knowledge and skills which are necessary when structuring domestic or cross-border business transaction, attempting to create the most suitable tax law treatment and the safest payment model, and increasing the use of instruments of procedural protection in the cases of default and during the course of dispute settlement. 

Since the program is primarily intended for employed students, it is carried out as a part-time Study and the timetable is adjusted to them. In the first semester of the Study, all students attend the same obligatory courses and choose two elective courses. In the second semester, the students opt for one of the two offered modules of obligatory courses, the first one being more tailored for in-house lawyers and legal representatives of companies while the other one is designed more for attorneys at law involved in companies’ cross-border activities. 

The program also offers complementary knowledge of economics disciplines applicable to all business sectors and two psychological courses offering insight into soft communication skills. Besides Faculty academic staff, eminent experts in the respective fields are invited to hold lectures. Throughout the course of the Study, students are expected to conduct legal analyses, solve practical problems and conduct short research projects connected to the subject matter of the courses.

Ažurirano 14.02.2025.

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