About the Institute
The Institute of European and Comparative Law (IECL-ZEUP) was established in 2002, in the context of preparing the Croatian legal system for accession to the European Union and the globalization process that increasingly affects this region. The establishment of this Department was supported by EU funds within the framework of the Tempus project no. IB_JEP-17071-2002, which laid the foundations for its future activities, with the primary goals of scientific research, teaching and disseminating knowledge in the field of European and comparative law. IECL-ZEUP’s commitment to achieving these goals is reflected in the activities it supports and implements, including publications, scientific and professional research projects, summer schools, postgraduate studies, lifelong learning programs and the preparation of legal opinions and information on foreign law.
The greatest strength of IECL-ZEUP lies in its team of skilled and dedicated members and associates, led by the honorary head, Prof. Dr. Vesna Tomljenović, who not only headed the Government working group during the EU accession negotiations but is also the first Croatian judge (currently serving a second term) at the General Court of the EU. Other members of the Institute are recognized experts in European private law and other fields, and are regularly engaged in various research and educational activities at both the national and international levels.
Members of IECL-ZEUP teach courses in European and comparative law that are part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Law in Rijeka and other institutions in Croatia and abroad. The Faculty of Law in Rijeka was the first in Croatia to introduce a course on European law in the law program and remains unique in Croatia for offering two mandatory legal courses in the field of European law: European Law I (the public legal framework of the EU) and European Law II (the private legal framework of the EU). The IECL-ZEUP was also the first to introduce the postgraduate study programme Law of European Integration in 2001.
Main Activities
The IECL-ZEUP members are active in scientific and professional research and have published large number of papers, including three recent books:
- Pravo tržišnog natjecanja i državnih potpora, Pravni fakultet Sveučilišta u Zagrebu, 2021.
- Europsko privatno pravo, Opći dio, Školska knjiga, 2019.
- Europsko privatno pravo, Posebni dio, Školska knjige, 2021.
Organization of Conferences
Among the most significant activities of IECL-ZEUP is the organization of conferences, the most important of which is a series of international scientific conferences dedicated to Professor Petar Šarčević, initiated by IECL-ZEUP in 2009 and held biannually. So far, we have organised eight such conferences in different venues on Croatia:
- International Scientific Conference Petar Šarčević “Cultural Heritage and Legal Regulation: From Global Aspirations to Local Challenges”, 5-6 October 2023, Rijeka. The conference program is available at: PS8 Program
- International Scientific Conference Petar Šarčević “Consumer Protection in Transition: Digital Transformation and Better Enforcement”, 23-25 October 2021, Opatija. The conference program is available at: PS7 Program
- International Scientific Conference Petar Šarčević “Intellectual Property Law in the EU: Towards Digitalization”, 18-19 October, Zagreb. The conference program is available at: PS6 Program
- International Scientific Conference Petar Šarčević “Information and Data: A Glimpse into the Future”, 6-7 October 2017, Opatija. The conference program is available at: PS5 Program
- International Scientific Conference Petar Šarčević “EU Competition Rules and State Aid: The Relationship between Public and Private Enforcement”, 9-10 April 2015, Rovinj. The conference program is available at: PS4 Program
- International Scientific Conference Petar Šarčević “Family and Children: European Expectations and National Reality”, 20-21 September 2013, Opatija. The conference program is available at: PS3 Program
- International Scientific Conference Petar Šarčević “Resolving International Maritime Disputes within the European and International Legal Framework”, 2-3 June 2011, Brijuni. The conference program is available at: PS2 Program
- International Scientific Conference Petar Šarčević “Regulation Brussels I: Challenges for Croatian Judiciary”, 13-14 November 2009, Opatija. The conference program is available at: PS1 Program
Legal Opinions and Content of Foreign Law
The IECL-ZEUP members are recognized as top experts in their fields and have been invited to prepare legal opinions:
- Supporting the State Attorney’s Office (regarding arbitration proceedings against the Republic of Croatia in connection with lawsuits from banks related to contracts in Swiss francs)
- Supporting the Government of the Republic of Croatia (in matters concerning consumer contracts in Swiss francs and in the INA-MOL cases)
- Supporting various legal entities – public or private law entities (in the fields of competition law, intellectual property law, international private law, arbitration law, etc.)
In addition, members of the IECL-ZEUP prepare documents regarding the content of foreign law at the request of the Croatian courts (for example, the Municipal Court in Rijeka, the Municipal Court in Pazin, and the Municipal Court in Pula) in accordance with the Croatian Private International Law Act.
IECL-ZEUP has participated in numerous international and domestic scientific and professional research projects. The most notable are competitive scientific projects funded under the EU Justice program:
- “Digital Communication and Safeguarding the Parties’ Rights: Challenges for European Civil Procedure – DIGI-GUARD” Link
- “EU-FamPro (E-training on EU Family Property Regimes)” (No. 101008404— JUST-AG-2020 /JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2020) Link
- “Train to enforce / Usavršavaj da bi ovršavao – Train2 EN4CE” (No. 854038-JUST-AG-2018/JUST-JTRA-EJTR-AG-2018) Link
- “Diversity of Enforcement Titles in Cross-Border Debt Collection in the EU / Različitost ovršnih naslova u prekograničnoj prisilnoj naplati u EU-u– EU_En4s” Link
- “Facilitating Cross-Border Family Life: Towards a Common European Understanding – EUFams II” (EU Justice No. 800780-JUST-AG-2017/JUST-JCOO-AG_2017) Link
- “Personalized Solution in European Family and Succession Law / Personalizirana rješenja u europskom obiteljskom i nasljednom pravu – PSEFS” (No. 800821-JUST-AG-2017/JUST-JCOO-AG-2017) Link
- “Remedies concerning Enforcement of Foreign Judgements according to Brussels I Recast – BIARE” (No. JUST/2014/JCOO/AG/CIVI/7749) Link
- “EU Judiciary Training on Brussels IIa Regulation: From South to East” (No. JUST/2014/JTRA/AG/EJTR/6854) Link
- “Business and Human Rights Challenges for Cross-Border Litigation in the European Union 2014-2016” (No. JUST/2013/JCIV/AG/4661) Link
Members of the IACL-ZEUP are also part of research teams for other international scientific research projects:
- “Property Rights System over Tangible Goods in the Field of European Private International Law: Aspects of International Jurisdiction and Applicable Law” (PID2020-112609GB-I0) Link
- “ECPE – Enabling consumer to become prosumer in the energy transition era” Link
- “South And East European Competition Law Center of Excellence, Competition Law COE – GAP-101047803, Call: ERASMUS-JMO-2021-HEI-TCH-RSCH” from 2022-2025
Members of IECL-ZEUP have also participated in domestic scientific projects:
- HRZZ project “Project for the Career Development of Young Researchers – Training New Doctors of Science” (DOK-01-2020) Link
- HRZZ project “Legal Aspects of Corporate Acquisitions and Corporate Restructuring Based on Knowledge” Link
- Ministry of Science, Education, and Sports project “Mechanisms for Efficient Resolution of Domestic and International Consumer Disputes” Link
- University of Rijeka (UNIRI) support project “Effective Regulation of the Digital Market as an Incentive for Innovation in the ICT Sector”
- University of Rijeka (UNIRI) support project “Harmonization, Interpretation, and Implementation of Croatian Private Law in Accordance with EU Law”
- University of Rijeka (UNIRI) support project “Consumer Protection in the Croatian and European Financial Services Market” Link
Members of IECL-ZEUP have also been invited to international scientific clusters and research groups, including:
- “South and East European Talks on Copyright Law”
- “Rule of Law and the ECtHR: Comparative Perspectives from South-Eastern Europe” Link
- “Transformation of Consumer Law” Link
- “Covid-19 Consumer Law Research Group” Link
- “ILA Committee on Intellectual Property and Private International Law” Link
- “Centre for Private International Law and Transnational Governance, University of Aberdeen” Link