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Professional activity

In the last five years, the Faculty has actively participated in a number of professional projects.

Professional project Regional co-operation and marine pollution in the Adriatic Sea: Developing effective measures against ship-based pollution. This project is made in cooperation with the Norwegian institute Fridtjof Nansen Institute (FNI). In the development of the aim of the project was to conduct a feasibility study for the Ministry of Maritime Affairs, Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Croatia on ship-based oil pollution in the Adriatic Sea. The emphasis was put on determining the jurisdiction of courts in resolving disputes.

Professional project Digital archive of scientific publications of the University of Rijeka Faculty of Law. The aim of this project was to develop a digital archive for storing books, documents, dissertations, and other materials to ensure a better access to them and to increase the visibility of the Faculty’s scientific publications.

Professional project European Documentation Centre was started with the aim of increasing the visibility and accessibility of information regarding EU law and European integrations in Croatian academic community and for all those interested.

Professional project with Inženjerski biro d.d. Zagreb is carried out through two main activities: co-publishing of the journal Croatian Law Review and co-organising at least one joint scientific, scientific/professional, or professional conference annually. The aim of the project is to connect the scientific and professional production of the Faculty’s lecturers and teaching assistants to the needs of the legal practice. The Faculty’s lecturers actively participate in publishing papers in the journal Croatian Law Review in which they systematically analyse recent court decisions on various topics, they present their papers at conferences, and some of them are members of the editorial board of the Croatian Law Review.

Professional project SEELS Network Database was started with the aim of creating a central place – a bibliographic base – which would enable the systematic collection, analysis, and presentation of scientific production of legal scholars from all faculties of law in southeast Europe. The goal is to include this database in the network of relevant European and international bibliographic databases.

Other Many Faculty’s lecturers are involved as members of projects carried out at the University which are designed to achieve strategic goals based on the Agreement on the full subsidy of participation in the study costs of full-time students in the academic years 2012/13, 2013/14, and 2014/15, as concluded on 11 December 2012. Heads of two such projects are the Faculty’s lecturers: Associate Professor Nataša Žunić Kovačević, Ph.D. as the Head of the project Improvement of Teaching Tools and Professor Eduard Kunštek, Ph.D. as the Head of the project Removing Architectural Barriers (deputy: Professor Edita Čulinović-Herc, Ph.D). These projects of the University achieve important teaching goals and a wider social purpose.

In addition to cooperation in terms of professional projects, the Faculty also has a wide network of general cooperation agreements with professional institutions and associations, such as the Croatian Bar Association, the Croatian Notaries Chamber, the Croatian Chamber of Economy, and the Judicial Academy. These contracts regulate various joint activities, such as preparing and organising different educational programmes, (co)organising professional workshops or professional development for judicial officials, preparing and holding courses and seminars, cooperating in drafting legal acts and bylaws, and writing targeted expert opinions, revised legal texts, and so on.
