Basic Information about the Program
Our Doctoral Study Programme offers a comprehensive education in all legal topics, while also providing a personalised approach tailored to each doctoral candidate, according to the language and research topic, through their individual study plan. Already at the pre-enrolment stage, candidates have the freedom to choose courses and seminars from an extensive list, and some of them can be replaced by courses from other institutions. Given that the Programme is research-oriented, candidates also develop a preliminary research topic for their doctoral thesis, plan a stay at a foreign research institution, and focus on publishing papers and participating in scientific conferences.
From the outset, doctoral candidates receive support from a selected mentor, which is especially important, as our alumni have rated their mentors very highly, with an average rating of 4.91 (on a scale from 1 to 5).
Establishing a direct relationship with each doctoral candidate and offering an individualized approach is our goal. Therefore, the number of doctoral candidates is limited to highly motivated and exceptional individuals, whether they come from the academic community or the public and private sectors. With them, we have built an integrated academic community characterised by high academic standards, diversity, dynamism, enthusiasm, and collaboration. According to surveys conducted among our alumni, the Programme significantly contributes to personal development and prepares doctoral candidates for the job market, professional practice, or further scientific work and research.
In addition to the fact that all our alumni wholeheartedly recommend us, the reaccreditation of the doctoral program has confirmed that the Doctoral Study Program at the Faculty of Law in Rijeka is the first choice for anyone wishing to pursue a doctoral degree in law in Croatia.
Tel: +385 51 359 684
Program Director:
Prof. Dr. Ivana Kunda
Programme Secretary:
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Danijela Vrbljanac
According to the Study Programme Description, individuals who have completed an integrated undergraduate and graduate law degree (mag. iur.) or an undergraduate law degree (dipl. iur.) may apply for the Programme. In exceptional cases, individuals with a different university degree may also apply, provided they complete additional law courses. Further admission requirements include a necessary grade point average from the completed degree or published works, the development of a personal study plan approved by a potential mentor, knowledge of foreign languages, references, and a positive assessment of the interview with the candidate.
Admissions are held twice a year, at the beginning of each semester.
The Programme duration is 3 years (6 semesters) for full-time students and 6 years (12 semesters) for part-time students. The tuition fee for the entire program is 9,000 EUR, with a proportional part of the fee paid at the start of each semester.
Information on admissions is included in the call for application. Additionally, the application form, guidelines for creating a personal study plan, and the list of potential mentors are available here. For any additional questions, please contact
- Call for Applications
- Application for admission to the doctoral program
- Guidelines for creating a personal study plan
- List of courses
Success in the doctoral program depends on various factors, among which are the approach to study obligations and communication between doctoral candidates and their mentors. To ensure both doctoral candidates and mentors are well-prepared for their roles, we have prepared two guides available for download in digital form.
- Guide for Doctoral Students
- Guide for Mentors
Following the enrolment, an orientation meeting is organized to inform doctoral students about their rights and obligations, database searches, ethical principles of scientific research, and building a personal scientific network. In addition to this institutional support, doctoral students can contact the coordinator for doctoral communication, Martina Tičić, at for any further inquiries.
Teaching Materials
- Merlin
- Guidelines for the Preparation and Formatting of Doctoral Theses at the University of Rijeka
- Faculty logo for the cover
Workshops for Mentors and Doctoral Students
We are dedicated to the continuous education of doctoral students and mentors to ensure a culture of academic excellence and professional development. We offer group and individual educational activities, including workshops and courses, either organised by the Faculty or in collaboration with other institutions.
Doctoral workshops for mentors are designed to help mentors assess whether they are adequately prepared to successfully supervise doctoral students, and to further strengthen the necessary skills and competencies through practical tasks.
Some doctoral workshops are intended for doctoral students to acquire general competencies and the generic and transversal skills necessary for doctoral research, writing, and dissemination in publications and at conferences. Training for doctoral candidates is organised to enhance specific skills required for successfully completing their study obligations.

- Workshop Program “Who is Q? The Unique and Permanent Identifier for Researchers – ORCID” 2023
- Workshop Program “Science and Media” 2023
- Workshop Program “Formulating a Research Question” 2023
- Workshop Program “Writing a Monograph Review” 2023
- Workshop Program “Who is Q? Open Access to Scientific Information” 2022
- Workshop Program “Writing a Scientific Paper in English” 2019
- Workshop Program “Methodology and Plagiarism” 2018
- Program “Doctoral Workshops for Mentors” 2016
Doctoral Thesis Available to the Public
- In accordance with Article 62(7) of the Higher Education and Scientific Activity Act (NN 119/22), the Faculty of Law makes publicly available the doctoral thesis of Karla Kotulovski titled “Non-standard Forms of Work in the Republic of Croatia: The Risk of Precariousness”. The doctoral thesis can be accessed by selecting this link.
- In accordance with Article 62(7) of the Higher Education and Scientific Activity Act (NN 119/22), the Faculty of Law makes publicly available the doctoral thesis of Matteo Cvenček titled “Perspectives of an Alternative Model for Resolving Tax Disputes in the Republic of Croatia”. The doctoral thesis can be accessed by selecting this link.
- In accordance with Article 62(7) of the Higher Education and Scientific Activity Act (NN 119/22), the Faculty of Law makes publicly available the doctoral thesis of Marina Dereta titled “Supervision over Associations in Croatian and Comparative Law”. The doctoral thesis can be accessed by selecting this link.
- In accordance with Article 62(7) of the Higher Education and Scientific Activity Act (NN 119/22), the Faculty of Law makes publicly available the doctoral thesis of Sara Madžarov Matijević titled “Theoretical Determinants and Perspectives of the Right to Information in Joint-Stock Companies”. The doctoral thesis can be accessed by selecting this link.
- In accordance with Article 62(7) of the Higher Education and Scientific Activity Act (NN 119/22), the Faculty of Law makes publicly available the doctoral thesis of Armand Demark titled “State Responsibility for Damage Caused by the Work of Courts in Croatian, European, and Comparative Law”. The doctoral thesis can be accessed by selecting this link.
Scholarship Announcements
- The Mobility Program – Outgoing Mobility of Assistants (MOBDOK-2023) has been announced by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), The goal of the sub-program “Outgoing Mobility of Assistants” is to provide assistants with the opportunity to visit top research and development institutions abroad in order to establish collaborations and acquire new skills necessary for continuing work on their doctoral dissertations. More information about the call is available here and here.
- Hungarian Scholarships for the Academic Year 2025/2026. The Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth of the Republic of Croatia, in cooperation with the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes, and the Hungarian Tempus Public Foundation, invites applications for Hungarian Government Scholarships for study, scientific research, and language development in Hungary during the academic year 2025/2026. Deadline for application is 20 February 2025, 11:00 PM for semester/partial study, research stay and full doctoral study, and 28 February 28 2025, 11:00 PM for summer school. More information about the call is available here.
- Scholarship Call for the “British Scholarship Trust” for Scientific Research in the United Kingdom in the Academic Year 2025/2026 has been announced. The Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth of the Republic of Croatia, in cooperation with the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes, invites applications for scholarships from the “British Scholarship Trust” for scientific research in the United Kingdom during the academic year 2025/2026. The scholarships are awarded for research stays at British universities, scientific institutes, and other institutions, lasting from one (1) to three (3) months. They are intended for students from the Republic of Croatia enrolled in graduate and postgraduate doctoral studies who will not turn 30 years old by 1 October 2025. Deadline for application is 28 February 2025 and more information is available here.
- The Ministry of Science, Education, and Youth of the Republic of Croatia, in cooperation with the Agency for Mobility and EU Programmes, and the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China in Zagreb, invites applications for the Chinese Government Scholarships for study and professional development for the academic year 2025/2026. Deadline for application is 7 February 2025. More information is available here.
- The Mobility Program – Outgoing Mobility of Assistants (MOBDOK-2023) has been announced by the Croatian Science Foundation (HRZZ), The goal of the sub-program “Outgoing Mobility of Assistants” is to provide assistants with the opportunity to visit top research and development institutions abroad in order to establish collaborations and acquire new skills necessary for continuing work on their doctoral dissertations. More information about the call is available here and here.
- The University of Rijeka has announced a Call for Scholarships for doctoral students at the University of Rijeka for the academic year 2017/2018. More information is available here. The deadline for submitting applications is 20 December 2017. To access the portal, an UNIRI electronic identity is required. It can be obtained from the IT office (below the Library).
- Student Council Scholarship Call for Co-financing Activities of Postgraduate Students in 2018 has been announced. Eligibility for application is open to students who bear at least 80% of their tuition costs themselves. The call is open until 15 December and can be applied retroactively (for activities in which the student participated during 2018). The call covers co-financing of participation costs for scientific events, including: registration fees for active participation, accommodation, or transportation.